The certification process of getting yourself the knowledge to administer DISC personality systems is at best 4 days. In some programs you will be required to sit for an assessment too. What is glaringly inept is that the 4 days of training session will not make you a GURU, in understanding personality or comprehending cognitive psychology. As a practitioner certified to use this instrument and having conducted training sessions that utilized DISC in Singapore for Team development and Leadership traits, these are my thoughts on how you will need to interpret the 3 graphs after completing the questionnaire.

DISC 3 graphs 1024x576 1 Understanding the 3 graphs in DISC

Disc program Singapore

The profiles of the 3 graphs can be similar or markedly different from one another. I have shown above the 3 graphs cumulating from the answers that were given by one participant.

Graph 1 – External profile

Institute of Motivational living describes Graph 1 as the Mask. This behavior is seen as the public self. The external profile is also described as the “work” profile. If you can grasp this analogy; for a Prisons Officer, whose role is to manage inmates, there is a tendency for the individual to adopt a strict disciplinarian persona towards the inmates he manages. This individual may not adopt the same interpersonal skills at home or in a setting that is different from his work environment. The outcomes of this graph can change over time as one progress in their careers and the environment they work in changes.

Graph 2 – Internal profile

The internal profile is described as the core or private self. This is described as the “Pressure Profile”. This graph will exhibit one’s learned behavioural responses in the past. These are the behavioural responses one accepts about yourself and this is you naturally and at times of pressure the ingrained behavior will resonate itself naturally. This graph is least likely to change and it has been edged out through your formative years, in school and at home.

Graph 3 – Summary profile

The last penultimate graph is an amalgamation of your responses to graph 1 and 2. This is the graph that one will look at to decode your personality in DISC. Graph 3, provides the mental picture of YOU. It combines the learned behaviours from the past and current behavior expected of you in your work environment.

Hence, when you look at the 3 graphs, ponder and reflect critically the high points on the graph that is above the midline. Consider your responsibilities at work and skill sets that are needed to help you succeed in your career. Differences in the 3 graphs are normal, likewise similarities. Consider, what are some skill sets you need to do well in your jobs and how you can refine your interpersonal skills. Twig or adapt your behavioural responses accordingly. At the end of the day DISC is all about you and you are the best person to make the adaptation needed in your work place. Knowing DISC and having an expert trained in applying DISC can help you in your outlook. Do get in touch with us at office@teamworkbound if you need an experienced facilitator in DISC.


Introduction to Behvaioural analysis, IML DISC insights, Published by the Institute of Motivational living (Program notes)

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About the Author: Ebnu Etheris Ma.IDT, B.Hrd

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Ebnu Etheris, holds a Masters degree in Instructional Design and was part of the pioneering team of executives who saw through the start up of Singapore’s first Budget Airline, Valuair. He was responsible for developing the airline’s Crisis planning systems and initiating blended learning in Flight operations. He works as a Partner with Teamworkbound.

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